Crispin and the Cross of Lead



This book is about a boy named Crispin aslo Asta's son. His mother dies and he is claimed as wolfs head. Since this he makes a run for it but, before he leaves he talks to his priest, Father Quinel. He gives him a cross with writing on it made of lead .He says that before he leaves he has important info for him. The next day he goes to see him and he is killed.Then Crispin leaves the town of stomford,where he then meets a man named Bear there and he becomes Bear's apprentice. A few days past and they reach GREAT WEXLY. There they stay in a tavern with a widow named Davertry. The next day Crispin goes out into the town and see's a church that is huge , there he sees Aycliffe the one who proclaimed him was a wolf's head. He runs. Then Bear gets kidnapped by John Aycliffe.Crispin goes to lady davertry and ask her for her to read what the cross says. It says son of lord furnival (which is the lord in all the small towns). So then he goes to rescue Bear. He got to the palace and rescues Bear. Bear then kills Aycliffe, for going back on his promise to Crispin.They finally left the town as FREE men.